Think ahead to fall baseball by ordering Portolite’s popular 6” game pitching mound now

1.	Pitcher throws from a green two-piece pitching mound

Fourth of July fireworks have dimmed, and before long days will get shorter and weather cooler. Let Portolite’s 6” game mounds bring spark to your young pitcher’s autumn play.

Many coaches and players agree the light-weight pitching mounds are perfect for Little League as well as older players ages 9-13. 

In fact, they are Portolite’s most popular mounds for youth leagues and tournaments.

“These mounds are the toughest in the industry,” said Brandon Hardy, who oversees 700 teams playing on more than 50 fields as event director of the Triple Crown’s Omaha SlumpBuster Tournament. “They hold up to incredible wear from our tournaments and programs. And you can’t beat the portability.”

These portable pitching mounds give young pitchers the feel of a regulation pitching mound. They include gentle slopes for pick-off moves, so kids won’t fall off the mound.

2.	Portolite’s two-piece portable pitching mound in the clay color.

They have tapered edges, so there are no “lips” for players to trip on during play.

Made of high-quality fiberglass, poly and turf materials, each mound gives pitchers a solid, no bounce, yet cushioned surface to reduce knee and ankle strain.

A hidden wear pad in front of the pitching rubber means the mound will last for years. Turf colors come in green, clay, red and tan.

Each slice of the two-piece mound weighs 60 pounds. The one-piece mounds weigh about 120 pounds, easy for players and field crews to pick up and move.

Order now to receive your mound in plenty of time for sweater, caramel apple, pumpkin spice, and – most importantly – fall ball season!

Portolite Pitching Mound’s limited warranty says it all. Portolite has set the standard in lightweight, durable and portable pitching mounds since 1992.


Protect your turf – and your softball pitcher – with a wider and longer Game Mat


When this coach couldn’t find the baseball game mounds he was looking, for Portolite stepped up TO the plate