‘we’re recommending all our partners use portolite,’ says this fan
Portolite Practice and Game Mats save expensive turf and keep pitchers safe
With more than a thousand pitchers throwing heat from the mound each summer, consistency matters to Matt Barnard.
He and business partner William Whitmire own and operate Big Show Productions, the leader in youth fastpitch tournaments in Oklahoma for more than a decade.
Big Show organizes tourneys throughout the state and beyond for 700 teams each season -- on more than 70 fields.
That’s a lot of pitches, hits, and runs around the field.
Imagine a 12-year-old pitcher setting up a throw on a thin mat nailed to the ground.
He stops often to move the mat back in place. And as he’s thinking about the best throw to launch at the other team’s best hitter, in the back of his brain he’s hoping the mat won’t move.
That niggle of doubt can affect performance.
Or picture a new turf playing field.
A pristine cover of bright green glistening in the sun.
Then see, after a heavy rotation of energetic pitchers throwing from the pitcher’s plate, a circle of divots in that beautiful turf.
Ugly to look at, dangerous for kids, and expensive – around $7,000 -- to repair.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
The pair had a ‘woah’ moment when Portolite, gave them a sample Spiked Softball Mat.
Field crews don’t have to worry about holes dug into dirt fields with Portolite Pitching Mats.
The mat is light enough to move easily for different games or pitchers – yet it doesn’t budge on the field
Pitchers found it safe and roomy enough to throw from.
“Now we’re recommending all our partners use them for their fields,” Barnard said.
“The main thing is, if the park we use a turf park, with no mats to protect the turf, play ruins the very expensive turf,” he said.
Pitchers make holes in dirt or grass fields without mats, he noted.
“In this day and age people don’t have unlimited time to repair torn up turf or dirt.”
Portolite’s unique SpikeTek technology helps avoid that torn up playing field.
With 7,000 spikes on the back of Portolite’s quality mats, there’s no bunching, slipping, or sliding. A wider, longer design offers greater stride length and room to move.
And this durable mat stands up to not only extreme wear and tear, but also the elements.
Portolite mats are perfect for fastpitch fields and bullpens, Barnard said.
“It’s just one less thing to worry about,” he said. “With tighter budgets, people don’t have the extra crew to maintain fields or to keep repairing them.”
“It’s more economical to investe in Portolite mats than replace damaged turf. And with dirt plat, it keeps throws consistent and players safer. I tell everyone they should go with Portolite.”`
Batter up! Portolite makes consistency and safety easy to accomplish on the field or in the bullpen.